Application for SOS Admission 2024 - 25
Fields marked with * are mandatory
Select Courses on Priority Base*(Atleast one or more courses)
Course Preference 1.*
Course Preference 2.
Course Preference 3.
Course Preference 4.
Course Preference 5.
Applicant's General Details
Full Name (English) * Full Name (Hindi) *
Convert Hindi text Click here
Father's / Husband's Name (English) * Father's / Husband's Name (Hindi) *
Mother's Name (English) * Mother's Name (Hindi) *
Date of Birth * (dd/mm/yyyy) Gender *
Email Id * Driving Licence No./Voter ID No./Passport No./
Samagra Id No./Last Exam Pass Roll No.
(Anyone of the above) *
Nationality * Whether domicile of Madhya Pradesh *  
Category * Hostel Accommodation required *  
Blood Group * Do You Have any ATKT Pending 1st to 5th semester *  
Correspondence Address
Address. 1 * Address. 2 *
District * Phone No. (With STD Code) -
Permanent Address
Address. 1 * Address. 2 *
District * Phone No. -
Mobile.No. *   (Do not prefix 91 or 0 Zero )     
Other Details
240 hrs participation in NSS activities at University level or B/C Certificate *
NCC "C" Certificate *
Cultural activities at Inter-University level/National level *
Sports activities at Inter-University level/National level *
Sub-Category *
Teachers/Officers staff ward class 3 or 4 PHY Handicapped Freedom Fighter
Kashmiri Migrant NRI EWS None
Have you passed Honours course? *
Graduate From:
Whether Candidate is Employee or Not *
Qualifying Exam Details
Passing Year * Previous Qualifying Exam * Marks Obtained * Marks Total * Percentage(%) Roll No. * Name of University/Board * Result Awaited?
Result Awaited Note:- The candidates whose final result is awaited should add total marks and marks obtained of all the earlier Semester/Years and then mention it .
ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जिनका अन्तिम परीक्षा परिणाम घोषित नहीं हुआ है वे पूर्व के समस्त सेमेस्टर/वर्षो के पूर्णांक एवं प्राप्तांको का योग उल्लेखित करें।

Have you ever been expelled/rusticated from any educational institution or convicted by a court of law?.  
Particulars of Guardian
(a) Full Name * (b) Occupation * (c) Annual Income (per annum) *  
Attachment (Note : Attachment should be .jpg format and size<200 KB)
12th class mark-sheet *
The preference and choice of course of admission given by candidate while filling the application form will be final .Admission will be given on merit cum choice basis.
Photo With Signature *
